The college is a reliable educational institution that will deliver on its primary mandate to restore social justice through the provision of quality Teaching and Learning. Systems have been put in place to ensure that teaching and learning taking place at Community Learning Centres. Centre Managers reports on a monthly basis on operational activities and statistics. The college currently has a Principal, and lecturers at the sixty-six (66) Community Learning Centres. Despite the challenges of having a full staff complement, the college has been able to comply with legislative and policy requisites in the delivery of all basic services. It is envisaged that once additional staff is appointed, that the delivery of Teaching and Learning will increase in performance, and that the institution will become a Centre of Excellence and Reference Nationally.
The College has also been able to establish collaborative partnership with the two (2) TVET colleges namely Northern Cape Rural TVET College and Northern Cape Urban TVET College, and the Health and Welfare SETA. The College is the implementation Ageny for the mLab project in partnership with Sol Plaatje Municipality, Department of Economic Development and Tourism, Department of Science and Technology and mLab Southern Africa, and Tshipi-e-ntle in order to enhance service delivery at our Community Learning Centres. The College formed an infrastructure partnership with the Tsantsabane Municipality. Construction SETA, ETDP SETA, Hotazel Manganese Mine Education Trust.